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Submission Number: 8
Submission ID: 14
Submission UUID: 3a424b72-1b04-4f17-9017-40464beedf95

Created: Wed, 11/06/2024 - 14:33
Completed: Wed, 11/06/2024 - 14:33
Changed: Wed, 11/06/2024 - 14:33

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

Information About You

Your Role with the Team: Parent

Carolin Fuchs

Team Information

Team Name: Porto

Season: Fall Soccer

Year: 2024

Overall Feedback

How did you enjoy the season?:
FYI - I could not select two teams in this form. Our son played on both Porto and NEFC Academy.
But I greatly enjoyed both seasons.

What should we do differently?:
I know that this age group needs to work on technical skills before really getting into the weeds of game moves. But I would probably try bringing in the sides/wings more - to see if they are ready. There are so many dribblings through the middle until they get stuck. Last year, on the Fulham team, players attempted some passing from right-defense to right-mid and then a run down the lines to pass it to the forward in the center.


What did you like about practices?:
The amount of practices! The technical skills on Tuesdays. 
Thank you for purchasing the lights so the teams could practice longer.

What did you not like about practices?:
The change of times for the different teams with the lights - it messed up our Runkle School carpool because the boys were on different teams. So we had to recalculate for every practice. But, of course, we were grateful for the lights! :)



What did you like about the games?:
The evenly distributed playing time. I also liked that those who were sitting out were asked to run or play with the ball to stay warm. Nominations for most inspirational player.

What did you not like about the games?:



Social Activities

What did you think about the social activities we did?:
Great idea to do a social after one practice. Thank you!


Did you use our website?: Yes

Did you find it helpful? Why or why not? How should we change it?:
I have used it throughout and am quite comfortable with locating information.  


How did the coaching staff do keeping you informed?:
Excellent - very quick response time. 

How did you best receive information from the coaching staff this season?:
Both email, texting, and SE. All worked great.

Final Thoughts

Do you have any additional thoughts not covered? If so, please let us know. :

Would you like us to contact you?:
