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Submission Number: 30
Submission ID: 36
Submission UUID: ebddedc2-bf0f-4d29-8493-9eb399503bc5

Created: Mon, 02/10/2025 - 14:56
Completed: Mon, 02/10/2025 - 14:56
Changed: Mon, 02/10/2025 - 14:56

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

Information About You

Your Role with the Team: Player

Alex Zirin

Team Information

Team Name: Porto

Season: Winter Futsal

Year: 2024

Overall Feedback

How did you enjoy the season?:
I liked it a lot. 

What should we do differently?:


What did you like about practices?:
I liked all of the scrimmages and the skill drills helped me get better. I also liked playing tag to warm up. In general, I liked that the coaches were tough but not mean.

What did you not like about practices?:
The wasn't anything boring or unhelpful.

I wished I could go to the optional practices but they were too early in the day.


What did you like about the games?:
I liked how we could sub ourselves on some of the time. I also liked how we could sometimes choose our positions. I like how in futsal the field is short so you can shoot a lot. I was motivated by the game ball. 

What did you not like about the games?:
I wish they were longer.



Final Thoughts

Do you have any additional thoughts not covered? If so, please let us know. :
The coaches taught me a lot. I liked how we could play different positions. Thank you coaches!

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